Kumar sharma ucsd medical center la jolla

Kumar sharma ucsd medical center The Team. The success of the lab is driven by a team of intelligent and creative postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate researchers led by Dr. Elizabeth Winzeler. Elizabeth Winzeler, Ph. Keck Distinguished Young Scholar.

Research Focus Areas

Listed&#;alphabetically by subject area.&#;Please send updates to&#;mrattana&#;

4D Nucleome Research

4D Nucleome Research Center and Organizational Hub at UC San Diego: Principal Investigator&#;Shu Chien, MD, PhD


Molecular mechanisms of aging; impact of inflammation on the brain; chronic diseases of aging.

Allergy and Immunology

Molecular and cell biology of allergy; immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases; mucosal immunity.


Arthritis and Inflammatory Disease

Pathogenesis and treatment.


Atherosclerotic Heart Disease


Biomedical Informatics

Bioinformatics; clinical informatics; global health informatics and telemedicine; infrastructure, privacy technology and health information exchange.

Core bioinformatics expertise to manage and analyze large molecular datasets, especially from next-generation sequencing.

Special emphasis in genomics, systems biology and personalized medicine.

Bone Marrow Transplantation





Atherosclerosis; cardiac electrophysiology; cardiac mechanics; heart failure; integrins in inflammation; interventional cardiology; molecular cardiology; physiology and pharmacology.

Clinical Decision Support

Biomedical Informatics, an academic division in the UC San Diego School of Medicine and a department of UC San Diego Health.

Clinical Trials



Etiology, treatment, and prevention; molecular mechanisms; pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease; the contribution of the kidney to cardiovascular disease in diabetes and obesity.

Digestive Diseases

Celiac disease; gastrointestinal infection; intestinal inflammatory disease.

Endocrinology and Metabolism

Obesity; lipid research; pituitary; thyroid; signal transduction; transcription; calcium and bone; reproductive endocrine diseases.

Endoscopy & Gastroenterology

Division of Gastroenterology

Genomic Medicine


Molecular mechanisms of aging; impact of inflammation on the brain.

Global Public Health

HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis; risk factors, transmission, treatment, prevention, border health, health care utilization, STDs, viral hepatitis, substance use, migration and health, and social justice.


Glycobiology Research and Training Center

Heart Failure


Experimental therapeutics; hematological malignancies; chronic lymphocytic leukemia; stem cell biology; tumor biology/immunology; hematopoiesis; platelet-vascular biology.


See&#;Liver Disease


Division of Gastroenterology


Pathogenesis, prevention, risk factors, transmission, treatment.


Research and training in hospice and palliative care -&#;Divisions of Hematology-Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation

Hospital Medicine

Glycemic control, venous thromboembolism prevention, transitions of care.


Division of Nephrology-Hypertension

Infectious Diseases

HIV and opportunistic infections; drug resistance; hepatitis B and C; Leptospira; malaria; tuberculosis; microbial pathogenesis; international medicine; neurovirology; prevention; tropical medicine; parasitology.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Developing new biotechnology therapies; conducting multicenter clinical trials; clinical pharmacology of medications used in treatment.

See Also Digestive Diseases

Kidney Disease / Kidney Injury

Development; physiology and pathophysiology; hypertension; immuno-pathogenesis and transplantation; function in early diabetes and diabetic nephropathy; acute injury and outcomes research; failure.

Leukemia, Myeloproliferative Disorders

Cancer clinical trials, cellular-immunotherapy, diagnostics, experimental therapeutics, gene immunotherapy, regenerative medicine, stem cell medicine, tumor biology.

Lipid Research

Liver Disease

Epidemiology and biomarkers for liver disease; multi-targeted therapies for liver cancer; molecular pathogenesis of fibrotic liver disease and the genetic basis of liver disorders;
progression of chronic liver diseases; hepatic fibrosis; alcoholic liver disease; liver failure; hepatitis B and C; clinical trials; treatments; transplantation; population screening; vaccination.

Medical Genetics

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)


Palliative Medicine

Pancreatic Cancer

  • UC San Diego Health Researchers Join Pancreatic Cancer "Dream Team" - Department of Pharmacology, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Department of Medicine and Department of Surgery; Moores Cancer Center
  • Division of Gastroenterology&#;and Hepatology

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

COPD; drug-resistant tuberculosis; pulmonary function during weightlessness; respiratory biology; sleep medicine.

See Also Division of Physiology

Regenerative Medicine

Rheumatic Diseases

Biology of immunologic and inflammatory diseases; pathogenesis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Sleep Medicine

Smoking and Health

Using NRT and Quitline Services to Help Hospitalized Smokers Stay Quit&#;(NIH Research Program &#; Cooperative Agreement)

Systems Biology


Vascular Diseases and Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis; chronic thrombotic venous disease.

DVT prevention in inpatients: